Connect & Grow

Growing Spiritually Matters to Us!
ADULT, YOUTH, & CHILDRENGroup Fellowship

Our Mission & Vision

We​​ strive to follow
Jesus Christ​​ by being…

Attentive to the word

Growing in our Christian faith is a life-long adventure, a way of life. We seek to give our young people the necessary foundation to mature in their Christian understanding and life experience. Ongoing engagement with the Scriptures, utilizing the best of Biblical scholarship, equips adults to grapple with the difficult issues of our day and the many challenges of 21st-century living.


The great 16th century Protestant Reformer John Calvin believed that conversion to the Christian faith was not a one-time event, but a lifelong process of learning and growing. As Presbyterians we are committed to learn and grow in community, drawing upon the scriptures and the life experiences of others as we discern what it means to follow Jesus Christ in our daily lives.


Adults grow in their faith through group study experiences and ongoing engagement with community issues.


Our youth have a passion for serving others through volunteering in the community.


Westminster children learn, pray, and have fun as they discover Christ’s love for them and for the world.

Group Fellowship

We host many fellowship events throughout the year to help our congregation connect and grow.



Westminster adults at Olbrich Gardens for a lovely morning walk followed by lively conversation over lunch.



Adults grow in their faith through group study experiences and ongoing engagement with community issues.

Sunday Bible Study & Sermon Talk-Back

Adults gather after worship each week for a lively conversation based on the morning’s scripture text and sermon, with our pastor leading a critical examination of the scripture and facilitating the discussion that connects scripture to our daily lives. Often revealing, enlightening, profound, and enjoyable, we learn from others’ questions while seeking answers to our own.

Monthly Adult Forums

About once each month, the talk-back session​​ is replaced by an Adult Forum, often with speakers from the community to share their expertise and perspectives on a variety of issues and current events. Adult Forums have included presentations on food insecurity, health and wellness issues impacting low-income communities, yoga, the environment, homelessness, and addressing systemic racism locally.

Wednesday Bible Study

The Wednesday adult Bible study meets during the day via Zoom for a multi-week, in-depth exploration of one book of the Bible, led by the Rev. Dr. Jessica Salt. The group recently completed a study of the Gospel of Luke, utilizing Luke for Everyone by N.T. Wright.

Thursday Book Group

The lively Thursday morning book group meets weekly with our pastor for a hearty portion of fellowship, conversation, and an enjoyable discussion of a commonly read book, usually lasting several weeks.​​ Recent books include God Has a Dream by Desmond Tutu, The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson, and the novel This Tender Land, by William Kent Krueger. In summer, the weekly meetings are replaced by a periodic walking tour of a park or garden, followed by a leisurely lunch.



Our youth have a passion for serving others through volunteering in the community.

Westminster Youth are busy doing yard work for older members who need help

Mission Projects

Throughout the year, our youth serve the broader community through local mission projects, like gathering canned goods for a local food pantry and assisting with Vacation Bible School.


Every other year, our pastor, adult leaders, and mentors teach a 12-week class for youth in 6th grade and above on the basics of the Presbyterian faith, discipleship, and the meaning of church membership. At the end of the class, the young people are given the opportunity to join the church if they are so led.

Intergenerational Learning

Periodically, the entire congregation gathers for intergenerational learning following Sunday worship. Children, youth, and adults learn and grow in their faith together. And it’s great fun!

Vacation Bible Camp is a fun opportunity to make new friends and learn about God.



Westminster children learn, pray, and have fun as they discover Christ’s love for them and for the world.

Children’s Time

After the children’s message in Sunday morning worship, the children gather for a special time of learning and growing in the faith, led by our capable teaching staff of volunteers.

Intergenerational Learning

Periodically, the entire congregation gathers for intergenerational learning following Sunday worship. Children, youth and adults learn and grow in their faith together. And, it’s great fun!

Get Involved

Group Fellowship

Bible Study

Wednesdays @ 11:30am

The Wednesday adult Bible study meets during the day via Zoom for a multi-week, in-depth exploration of one book of the Bible, led by the Rev. Dr. Jessica Salt. The group recently completed a study of the Gospel of Luke, utilizing Luke for Everyone by N.T. Wright.

Book Group

Thursdays @ 10:00am

The lively Thursday morning book group meets weekly with our pastor for a hearty portion of fellowship, conversation, and an enjoyable discussion of a commonly read book, usually lasting several weeks.​​ Recent books include God Has a Dream by Desmond Tutu, The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson, and the novel This Tender Land, by William Kent Krueger. In summer, the weekly meetings are replaced by a periodic walking tour of a park or garden, followed by a leisurely lunch.

Presbyterian Women of Westminster Circles

3rd Tuesdays @ 1:00pm
3rd Thursday @ 6:30pm

Presbyterian Women of Westminster (PWW), a part of​​ Presbyterian Women ​​ nationally, is committed to nurturing their faith through prayer and bible study, supporting​​ the mission of the church worldwide, working for justice and peace, and building an inclusive, caring community of women. PWW raises thousands of dollars each year to support our community partnerships. As a part of Presbyterian Women of Westminster, our Women’s Circles meet monthly for fellowship and Bible study.

Esther-Naomi Circle meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1 PM (September through May). 

Mary-Elizabeth Circle meets at 6:30 PM on the third Thursday of the month (September through May) for dessert and social time before the Bible study at 7 PM. (available on Zoom also).

Dine with Nine

Each fall interested adults are randomly assigned to a small group that meets periodically throughout the year for a meal and conversation. It’s a great way to meet new people!