What is Happening at Westminster?

In-Person & Online Worship Each Sunday at 9:45 - 10:45 AM.
Special EventsCalendar

Upcoming Events & Calendar

INtergenerational movie day

sunday, february 16  at 11am 

The Education committee invites all generations to a movie, popcorn and pizza following worship on February 16.  We will be watching Inside Out, an animated coming-of-age film by Disney/Pixar. Inside Out follows the inner workings of the mind of Riley, a young girl who adapts to her family’s relocation as five personified emotions administer her thoughts and actions. The movie explores themes of:  the complexity of human emotions; the challenges of growing up, the need to experience the full range of emotions and the importance of accepting yourself and allowing yourself to feel messy sometimes. A brief discussion will follow the movie.



dine with nine potluck

friday, february 21 at 6pm

As in the past, we will form groups of 9-10 which will meet several times over the year for fellowship and food. Groups can meet at the church, in homes, at restaurants, at a park, etc.  There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex or you can email Juanita.  A potluck kickoff dinner will be February 21 at 6pm in fellowship hall. Any questions, contact Juanita Halls – jjh71152@gmail.com.




Westminster Presbyterian Church Special Event Women's Retreat at Holy Wisdom Monastery in Middleton, WI.

thursday book group

every thursday at 10am (in mjb lounge at westminster)

This book group covers a variety of topics and books as chosen by the group -from light-hearted to though provoking to spiritual.  They usually start a new book every few weeks, so feel free to drop in any time.  Coffee and treats follow each meeting so feel free to drop in for some interesting reading, fun conversation and fellowship! For more information you can also contact the church office at info@westminstermadison.org.

Westminster’s Calendar