What is Happening at Westminster?
In-Person & Online Worship Each Sunday at 9:45 - 10:45 AM. Special EventsCalendarUpcoming Events & Calendar
rally day worship
sunday, september 8 at 9:45am
Let’s kickoff the Fall season and worship in the beautiful outdoors! Please join us for our 9:45 AM worship at: Elver Park, 1250 McKenna Blvd – Shelter #2.
Parking is close with a roundabout for easy drop off. There will be folding chairs and picnic tables, but feel free to bring your own comfortable lawn chair. Please note, the service will not be streamed or recorded so we hope to see you there!
blessing of the animals
Sunday, september 29 at 9:45am
The Blessing of the Animals will be September 29 at Westminster. Invite your friends and neighbors to join you as you bring your pets to church for this special service at 9:45a. Please note that we have a few rules to protect both pets and human worshipers:
*Dogs should be on leash or crated, cats should be crated, rodents, lizards, turtles, birds and snakes should be appropriately caged.
*You may bring a picture of your pet in lieu of a live animal. Those who have ashes of pets are welcome to bring them and children who do not have live pets are welcome to bring a stuffed animal.
WOMEN’s retreat at holy wisdom
saturday, september 28 from 8:30am-4pm
The annual Women’s Retreat will be held Saturday, September 28th from 8:30-4:00 at Holy Wisdom Monastery. The theme this year is “Facing our Fears with Faith,” led by Rev. Clara Thompson. More details are in the July/August Newsletter. The sign up sheet is in the narthex or email Juanita Halls at: jjh71152@gmail.com. The cost is $30 and checks can be made to Westminster with “retreat” in the memo. (Scholarships are available.)